Use Case Visitor Flow Management

Problem: Over-tourism, the above-average increase of tourists in certain regions, has negative impacts on the inhabitants, the visitors, and the environment of a certain destination. Visitor flows should be distributed to different destinations in such numbers that the individual region can handle the number of tourists without over-affecting the environment.

Solution approach: In a data service ecosystem, several data sources are sovereignly linked: tourism data from three partner communities and the tourism organization, weather data from a weather service, and anonymized and aggregated cellular location data from a mobile operator. A customer flow analysis is thus created by a data service provider, which helps the participating tourism regions to address customers in a more targeted manner and to better direct and distribute them in the region.

Added value: On the one hand, this creates business value by

  1. improving the guest experience by distributing customers to different spots
  2. harmonizing economic revenues in the participating regions
  3. avoiding congestion by reducing traffic in hot spots.

On the other hand, this will

  1. reduce negative impacts on the environment caused by large crowds
  2. alleviate the effects of excessive traffic, thus contributing to environmental protection.
