On July 28, 2022, the Data Intelligence Offensive (DIO) hosted the workshop “Gaia-X in the Context of the Mobility Transition” at the Zemanek Hall of the Austrian Computer Society (OCG). Friedrich Seyr, DIO Board Member and Lead of Data Space Mobility, opened the event with welcoming words and then handed over to the first speaker Brigitte Lutz, Data Governance Coordinator of the City of Vienna and DIO Vice President. In her keynote address, “What Does a Data Space Need for Gaia-X,” Lutz addressed the basic necessities of building a data space:

the common understanding of the term “Data Space”,

Role clarity among stakeholders and

the joint development of business cases.

It is also important to have an interactive discussion between stakeholders and to understand that all stakeholders are responsible for their own asset governance:

“A data space is not a governance tool.” – Brigitte Lutz

Afterwards, Michael Schäfer, Managing Director of Mobility Data Space Germany (MDS), presented some learnings as well as hurdles and opportunities of MDS. A key factor for the success are the top-class founding partners, who actively promote the further development and application: BMW, Deutsche Bahn, Deutsche Post, Daimler-Benz, Volkswagen and other well-known participating organizations such as Audi, T-Systems, Bosch and Fraunhofer. Another factor for success is interoperability, which allows for collaborations with other projects, such as Catena-X, Mobilthek and Caruso. Schäfer also confirmed that the structuring and role clarity already mentioned by Brigitte Lutz are important components for working in the Data Space.

Finally, Stephan Dietrich, DIO Data Steward, drew a line from a more efficient design of the mobility infrastructure to a contribution to climate protection. Under the new name “Data Space Mobilitätswende”, the topic of mobility will be incorporated into DIO’s core project on “Data for Sustainability”, the Green Data Hub. Dietrich encouraged the workshop participants to discuss with which (new) partners and possible use cases with a socio-ecologically sustainable focus the Austrian and European climate strategy can be supported.

Diagram: Data Space Mobility Turnaround

You want more detailed information on the keynotes of the workshop, want to participate directly in the discussion at the next event and want to help shape the mobility of tomorrow in the Data Space Mobilitätswende? Write to us at connect@greendatahub.at and let’s lay the foundations for future-proof and sustainable mobility together!